
Pets are My People!

Exploring the wonderous relationship between people and pets.

Compassion Fatigue

I’ve always regarded animal shelter workers as some of the best people around. It’s one of the many reasons I’m so thrilled to send blankets out to shelters. These individuals love seeing our creations and then “matching” them to the best pet. They truly care for the cats and dogs as if they were their own. For most of these people it really is a “calling,” more than just a job or volunteer opportunity. Unfortunately, the downside of this level of caring, can be emotional exhaustion or compassio…

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Attracting Butterflies to Your Yard

Spring and Summer can be wonderful times of renewal. Plants which have withered to nothingness, burst forth with life and beauty. There’s nothing like it, and it makes enduring a Midwest winter almost worth it. Almost.

One delight, which makes the high temperatures bearable is the return of the butterflies. With all their wonderful colors they are tiny masterpieces, flitting through the yard. Caring for these creatures can be fun and attracting them to your garden takes just a few steps…

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Super-Simple Ways to Help Animal Shelters

Comfort for Critters was born of the desire to help not just our own pets, but “all those we can’t adopt”. We make blankets, donate money and many of us even volunteer at our local animal shelter. If those are things you can do, and want to do, great. However, we can’t all take on another volunteer job or bring a foster-pup into our home. Some of us don’t have a crafty bone in our body, or even an extra dollar to spare. Trust me, I’ve been there.

Despite everything though, I submi…

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Games to Play with Kitty!

There’s nothing more fun than hanging out and playing with your kitty! Kittens demand this, but older cats can sometimes get forgotten. No more! Here are some fun ideas for ways to play with your kitty, of any age.

Elastic is your best friend! Tie one of your cat’s favorite toys to the end of short piece of stretchy elastic and tie the other end to a door knob. Make sure you don’t make it too long. You want the toy to dangle, but not drag on the ground. It’s also necessary to do this in an …

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Great Charities Who Help Pets & the Military

A great way to end the year is to shine a spotlight on two awesome charities that could use everyone’s support. They combine a love of pets, with a respect and admiration for those who serve our country in the military. Check these out and maybe there’s a way you can help!

Pets for Vets (

This wonderful organization offers a second chance for dogs who end up in shelters. They rescue these pets and provide training and instruction. The goal is to make sure they are comfo…

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How to Love Spiders

Arachnophobia is the most common creature-based phobia on the planet – though it clearly doesn’t bother me. For some reason I’ve always had a fascination with spiders. I don’t find them creepy, even as I peer into their four sets of eyes, or watch them scurry on their eight, sometimes hairy, legs. I see God’s creativity, and in some cases, sense of humor.

My husband though doesn’t share this arachnid-passion with me, so for now, I won’t be adopting a little Aragog (Harry Potter refe…

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How to Tell if Your Dog Loves You!

We all assume it, but maybe we shouldn’t. Not when neuroscientists and animal behaviorists will back us up! Here’s some quick, easy and fun ways to know for sure your pooch thinks you’re pretty awesome!

1 – Your dog greets you at the door! Sometimes it’s a full-frontal assault, but not always. For some dogs just showing up with a wagging tail is enough. However they great you , they are saying “I’m so happy you’re back” each and every time!

2 – They’ll wag their tail! …

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Introducing Yourself to a "New" Dog

Animal lovers are typically open about their appreciation for all cats and dogs which cross their path. A walk around the neighborhood, or through an area forest preserve, will produce man delightful encounters with dogs of all shapes and sizes. In other cases, you may be visiting a friend who has a new dog they are eager for you to meet.

Whatever the circumstances, there truly is a protocol which should be observed. You may not be aware of these guidelines, but the dog likely is! By keeping …

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Is Fospice Volunteering Right for You?

Being involved in the world of volunteer work and shelter pets, I run across numerous ways caring people can help homeless pets, animal shelters and their community. Most of these volunteer options are fun to do, require less time than you’d expect and offer rewards aplenty. A new way to help pets has recently appeared on my radar, and it’s one of those things that just stops me in my tracks. Let me just say, I’d love to meet the person who is a “Fospice” volunteer. I’d give them a hug and a big…

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Love Languages of Cats

Humans clearly have “love languages” – defined as the way they express, and like to receive, love. So why not cats? Your kitty expresses themselves each and every day….are you missing their signals or receiving them loud and clear? Check out the three “love languages” of cats and see which your little one prefers (or maybe they like all three!).


Communication is the clearest way for many people to understand, especially when it comes to purring. Hearing your cat p…

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Yarn as Therapy

Comfort for Critters was created to help animal shelter pets, and clearly this remains our overriding mission. As a goal, it doesn’t get much simpler, and hasn’t changed a bit since the first blanket was stitched in 2007. We endeavor to comfort all the pets we can’t adopt (but would like to!).

However, it’s become clear that God had more blessings in mind, when the seed for CFC was planted 10 years ago. I’ve heard numerous stories about how “crafting to comfort pets” has brought comfort…

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People & Animals Helping Each Other

The Dixon Correctional Institute in Jackson, LA is home to more than just inmates. It houses the Pen Pals Dog and Cat Shelter. This combo was created after Hurricane Katrina inundated the area with homeless pets. A makeshift shelter was setup at the prison to house 300 homeless pets, with the inmates trained to care for the animals.

After the Humane Society of the US gave the DCI a $600K grant, a permanent shelter and clinic was setup at the prison, with the help of the LSU School of Vete…

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The Special Shelters We Support!

The population inside animal shelters is not limited to just cats and dogs. Although these pets make up the majority of the residents, many shelters take in other domestic pets, including rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets and even fancy rats. As we support these shelters, we also support all sorts these “critters”, and are very happy to do it!

We have the pleasure of helping some very specialized shelters, which offer unique care, or focus on a particular animal or breed. It’s important …

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Probiotics with Fur?

Did you take your probiotics this morning? If your dog woke you up with a “kiss”, you just may have! Researchers at the University of Arizona think dogs have a probiotic effect on the gut bacteria of their companions…and that’s a great thing!

We all carry about 500 different types of bacteria in our digestive system – both good types and bad. “Probiotics” are the good bacteria, which keep our digestive system healthy and may even boost our immune system. The current trend is to take s…

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Pets Enhance Our Humanity

I firmly believe pets make us more human, which is to say they make us better people. Maybe it’s just me, but given the animal shelters which struggle across the US and the pet store aisles filled with treats and toys, I have the feeling I’m not alone.

As a Christian I worship a God which I see reflected all around me. One area in which He shows up regularly is in nature. I don’t however worship nature, though I know that’s gaining in popularity. Nature is a gorgeous sunset, but it’s also…

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“Adopt” a Shelter Near You!

As we add more and more shelters, I continue to encourage volunteers to donate their blankets locally, rather than sending their blankets to me. This obviously helps keep my huge postage bill manageable, but it also brings many other benefits.

With this in mind, I’m grateful that some volunteers have really taken it a step further, to basically “adopt” their local shelter! These volunteers will donate all the blankets they make to a shelter in their town. They often add toys, donate other…

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What are Conservation Dogs?

Our companion animals continue to amaze us with their abilities, and in the ways in which they improve our lives. “Conservation dogs” are a great, and unique, example. Dogs have a long history of assisting people in tracking things us humans can’t easily see or smell. This can range from explosives to disaster survivors, but in the case of conservation dogs, they are usually searching for “nature-related” odors, such as specific animals, scat, rare plants or invasive weeds.

These hi…

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Embracing Tikkun Olam

I’ve recently come across the Jewish concept of Tikkun Olam, and it’s hard to believe that in over half a century this idea has not crossed my path. It describes acts of kindness designed to improve, perfect, or even repair the world. It’s often applied to issues that help protect those that are at a disadvantage in our society, or groups that require extra protection because of their status.

The goal is to bring our world closer to the way it was originally created. The concept explain…

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Seniors for Seniors at Animal Shelters

Being involved with Comfort for Critters necessarily exposes me to a vast network of non-profits, working to improve the lives of companion animals. I’m often impressed and humbled by their work, and I try to shine a light in their direction, just as often as possible.

One such group is PAWS, located in Lynnwood Washington, just north of Seattle. Their program, “Seniors for Seniors” is a great solution to a problem which many shelters face. The kittens and puppies steal hearts at shelters…o…

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Another Way Dogs Save Lives

If you’ve ever donated blood, you understand just how easy it is and how life-saving it can be. Did you know your dog can donate too? There is a constant need for canine blood, for the same reasons human blood is such a precious commodity. It’s used to help sick and injured dogs, and can save a life when a pet needs surgery or a transfusion.

Canine blood only lasts about a month, so a constant supply is always in demand. There are five major canine blood types, with one type being a “univ…

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Understanding TNR: Trap~Neuter~Return

The issue of pet overpopulation is not just visible in the hundreds of animal shelters across the US, but also in the millions of community cats which live short lives in this country. The vast majority of CFC blankets go to animal shelters and foster care systems, but understanding TNR programs can allow us to help these other homeless cats in our community.

Strays versus Feral Cats…

“Strays” are cats who were once pets, but are now living in the wild because they are lost or were aband…

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Ten Reasons to Adopt an Older Pet

The idea of a newborn puppy in your arms is irresistible. A pile of cuteness, with two ears and tail. But if you can look beyond those oversized eyes, you may see some great reasons to put the puppy down and give the older dog (the one in the back) another look.

Consider these arguments for yourself, or use them to persuade someone you know, who’s thinking of adopting. The shelters and pets will thank you!

Training – Older pets generally have some training, even if it’s only the all-…

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Pet Food Banks - The need continues!

The last time I wrote about this topic was about a year ago, right in the middle of the once-in-a-lifetime (hopefully) pandemic. At that time the need for donated pet food was great, but unfortunately the need is still there. The news is filled with stories on rising gas prices, rising inflation and rising worries! Despite those worries, or maybe because of them, I would encourage everyone to support their local food bank and even consider helping with pet food, in addition to people food!

I …

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Foster Care Heroes!

Comfort for Critters loves to support any group that is working to improve the lives of companion animals. Often these are animal shelters, but sometimes they are not “shelters” at all, but simply a group of private homes, which together create a foster care system. In 2020, almost 55,000 in the US were cared for by these foster care families. These groups typically start with a realization, by some caring person, of what breaks their heart. They then take the important, the scary, the often-ove…

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Freelancing or Service Dogs?

The plaque in the store read, “All dogs are service dogs, just most of them are freelancing”. As I’ve started the research phase for my next blog, this idea seemed especially relevant to what’s been filling up the nooks and crannies of my brain. It was also a sentiment which I agreed with, 100%.

Count me among those who are awed when I see a service animal enter a store, sit quietly at a restaurant or guide their person across a busy street. It’s all I can do to not run over and pet e…

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The Wabi-Sabi of Blankets

Every so often people will question my logic in giving beautifully crafted blankets to pets who will likely knead them, chew them a bit and have the occasional “accident” (poop-happens, after all). They warn me that our creations will look worn and ragged in no time. Of course my short reply should be, “because these pets deserve them,” as every CFC volunteer would attest.

But the writer in me never likes a short answer, when a long drawn out one will do. So I got to thinking about ou…

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Boredom-Busters for Your Pooch!

As the companion to a large dog, I know firsthand that a bored dog can quickly deteriorate into a naughty dog! The gold standard in dog care is a minimum of one long walk each day. This exercises their body to be sure, but it also exercises their mind. As they sniff their way along from mailbox, to bush, to fire hydrant, they are learning interesting facts about all the pets who have walked those steps before them. Health status, size, sex and general condition are all conveyed. It’s pretty much…

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Distracted by the Butterfly in My Yard – You too?

Though butterflies are rarely considered pets, they are so common during some months that they can feel like a member of the family. Nothing compares seeing one land on a nearby flower, as I do my weekly “walkabout”, checking in on each of my glorious, blooming plants. It’s a magical feeling of communing with nature and getting to watch it unfold. These flying creatures combine diligence and grace in an enticing package. They’re also a wonderful reminder that insects needn’t be squashed underfoo…

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How to Fall in Love with a Mouse

Yes, it’s possible, because I’ve done it. The pile of multicolored bundles of fur, huddled for warmth and snoozing away, was easy to fall in love with! Of course, everyone has their own reaction to seeing a mouse. Much of it depends on whether it’s scurrying across your kitchen counter or tucked in a pet enclosure with lots of friends. However, the unabashed relaxation in a pile of sleeping mice is something to behold. An individual mouse, with their button eyes and overly large ears, can really…

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Is Your Kitty Plotting Your Demise?

I personally love cats, kittens and everything in between. However, even I will admit they can have a mind of their own and be ruthless to their prey. I just pray that that’s never me! I admire their individualism and their self-centeredness, but it sometimes makes me question how I rank in their eyes. Do they truly love me, or are they just plotting to take over the house and finally kick the dogs to the curb?

For those that wonder this too, I’ve scoured the bowels of the Internet (not pre…

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God Bless the Animals

I was fortunate enough to be invited to a blessing of the animals at a friend’s church, a few years ago. Though a lifelong Christian, I had never even heard of this ceremony, which in itself is wonderfully simple.

It’s conducted in memory of St. Francis of Assisi’s love for all creatures. This saint had a legendary reputation for preaching to the birds, and once taming a wolf using only his words. I can imagine him walking, talking to the air (as he was rumored to do) and God quietly pullin…

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