
Pets are My People!

Exploring the wonderous relationship between people and pets.

How to Fall in Love with a Mouse

Yes, it’s possible, because I’ve done it. The pile of multicolored bundles of fur, huddled for warmth and snoozing away, was easy to fall in love with! Of course, everyone has their own reaction to seeing a mouse. Much of it depends on whether it’s scurrying across your kitchen counter or tucked in a pet enclosure with lots of friends. However, the unabashed relaxation in a pile of sleeping mice is something to behold. An individual mouse, with their button eyes and overly large ears, can really be a cutie. And unlike some people, they just get cuter the more you learn about them.

For starters, they’re super social. The pet mice I’ve had were always the happiest with some mouse-friends. But be warned, a group of mice is accurately named a “mischief.”  They are also clean and even organized. In their enclosures they tend to put their food in one area, they use another part as their bathroom, and a third area to sleep. What’s not to love?

When they’re not cleaning themselves or organizing their environment they are almost certainly eating. Again, one of my favorite hobbies as well! A typical mouse will eat 15 to 20 times a day. And there’s no picky eaters among mice. They love grains and fruit, but just about everything else. In my home the “wild” mice seem to love the dry cat food, since I find it hidden away in the most unlikely spots (inside attic suitcases!). No wonderful my cats are constantly pursuing them!

All that eating fuel an awesome body too. Of the roughly 30 species of mice in the US, some are only one inch long, while others are seven inches. If the size creeps you out, keep in mind that their tail takes up half of their total length, so their body maxes out at a bit over three inches! Their cutest feature though is there amazing whiskers, which they use to sense a change in the temperature around them. The whiskers also give them information on the surfaces they are passing over. They often communicate this information to other mice, and “talk” to each other via ultrasonic mouse vocalizations. If that’s not enough cuteness, the boast adorable facial expressions that can communicate their mood with just a “look”. We all know that look!

If you’re not convinced and not yet in love, this may do it. Mice are hopeless romantics. Male mice serenade their chosen mate with their own “song”, as part of their courtship.  They are among the only mammals which are known to sing (whales, bats and sometimes humans, round out the list).

Imagine having an adorable friend that is friendly, clean and loves to chat over a nice meal (of your choosing). They can tell you when the temperature is changing and will even sing you a song. If that doesn’t win you over, then I firmly believe you are just not trying!  


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