
Pets are My People!

Exploring the wonderous relationship between people and pets.

Love Languages of Cats

Humans clearly have “love languages” – defined as the way they express, and like to receive, love. So why not cats? Your kitty expresses themselves each and every day….are you missing their signals or receiving them loud and clear? Check out the three “love languages” of cats and see which your little one prefers (or maybe they like all three!).


Communication is the clearest way for many people to understand, especially when it comes to purring. Hearing your cat purr whenever they are around you, is a sure sign of love. Often this purr is a bit different than other times your cat purrs, and engages their entire body. They are saving this type of purr, just for you.

Check out the opposite end for another sign. When your cat holds their tail in a relaxed position and just flicks the very tip…that’s a sign of love and happiness too.


Cats have many tools to use when it comes to demonstrating their love. One of the most common is when they “knead” you. They are showing the same attachment to you, as they did when they nursed as a baby, labeling you as very special indeed. They may even move in for the “head-butt”, which for a cat is a huge signal. This is their way of dousing you with pheromones, which tag you as their “possession” (from a cat, that’s a compliment).

Does your cat lick your hair? They are actually grooming you, as their way of showing love (as they would to each other). They are expressing that you are part of their family and they are caring for you as they would a kitten or sibling.

If you’ve ever considered your cat to be more of a dog, because of the way they follow you around, greet you at the door, or are always hanging around you…they are showing you love. This includes all the times they are rubbing your legs and seemingly trying to trip you!

A final way cats demonstrate their love can be a bit unsettling. If you have an outdoor cat which brings you pieces of what they’ve killed, considered yourself loved. Cats are natural hunters, so when they share their “prizes” with you, they are giving you a tangible present!


The language of trust is the most overlooked, but once it’s explained, it’s hard to miss. If your kitty stretches out on her back, exposing her tummy, this is huge! She is putting herself in a vulnerable position and making herself defenseless. A cat would never take this position without complete trust in you. If they roll around at your feet, in an attempt to get your attention, this again means they feel loved and safe. They are letting themselves be vulnerable, simply because they feel protected by you.

Another time they will only turn to those they love, is at nap time. When a kitty chooses your lap to curl up on and doze, you should feel special. This is their most vulnerable time, which is why they often go to a high perch or tuck themselves into a protected nook. If they lay out in the open, on your warm lap, the completely trust you to keep them from harm. Through trust, they are expressing bonding and love.

The Trifecta!

One behavior, the “slow blink”, perfectly blends all three love languages. Cats typically only lock eyes with people they know well and have come to trust. When they gaze at you and give you a slooowww blllinnnkk, they are communicating to you love and demonstrating their own sort-of-kiss. Try responding with a slow blink the next time you’re treated to this!

As with humans, cats can express themselves in multiple love languages. Consider yourself honored if your kitty chooses more than one, and remind yourself that this is just one more way that we receive comfort FROM our companion animals.

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