
Pets are My People!

Exploring the wonderous relationship between people and pets.

Is Your Kitty Plotting Your Demise?

I personally love cats, kittens and everything in between. However, even I will admit they can have a mind of their own and be ruthless to their prey. I just pray that that’s never me! I admire their individualism and their self-centeredness, but it sometimes makes me question how I rank in their eyes. Do they truly love me, or are they just plotting to take over the house and finally kick the dogs to the curb?

For those that wonder this too, I’ve scoured the bowels of the Internet (not pretty, I can tell you) and found 10 ways you can tell if your kitty really, truly, cross-their-heart loves you. I hope this list is good news for all readers!

#1 The slow blink – Think of this as a kitty’s kiss. They lock eyes with you and slowwwwly blink. Cats typically won’t give strangers more than a casual glance, so you know they’re saving this wonderful trait for the people they love. The perfect reply is a slow blink back!

#2 The power of the purr – Is there anything more relaxing than the sound of a purring cat? The slow, rhythmic sound is used by your kitty for many reasons. Cat’s purr when they’re nursing kittens, to self-soothe and when they’re ill. However, they also use it to express emotions….a soft “I love you” that only a feline can provide.

#3 Head-butts – When your cat lightly touches their forehead to you, it’s surely a sign of affection. Some research even shows that this simple act releases endorphins in you and your kitty.

#4 Marking you – As we all know, cats love to “mark” their surroundings, by rubbing their head on a variety of things. They mark items which they consider to be “their own” or things which they’d like claim as their own! Consider it a compliment that you are one of their treasured possessions!

#5 The tail tells all – Dogs are known for their wagging tails, but a cat’s tail also reveals a lot about their mood and attitude. A puffed-up tail is clearly a sign of agitation, but a relaxed tail can mean just the opposite. If your cat comes to you with a tail somewhat up in the air, twitching a bit, she’s saying wonderful things about your relationship.

#6 Kneading – Kneading is first and foremost a sign of affection. When your cat jumps into your lap and begins to “knead” you, consider it high praise. She’s remembering back to when she was a newborn kitten, nursing from her mother. You are now receiving the same affection she bestowed on her “other” mom.

#7 Grooming – You have likely seen cats grooming each other, which is a sure sign of closeness. When they groom you, though maybe unnecessary, it’s the same thing! Cats simply will not groom strangers or anyone they don’t completely trust. Grooming is a sign of friendship too, so they’re expressing a desire to be your friend.

#8 “Presents” – What’s worse than finding a dead mouse on your doorstep? Finding half a dead mouse! However, this may not be true if you have a cat. If your cat hunts outside, or even within your own home, they are sharing their success with you by sharing their “prize”. They consider this their gift to you!

#9 Tummy time – A big part of love is trust and your kitty has a clear way to show exactly who they trust. If your cat lays on their back, exposing their vulnerable tummy, they trust you … 100% and completely. They would never risk letting their guard down in this way, expect around someone they truly love.

#10 Simply being there -  Sure, cats love a warm place to lay, but cuddling on your lap or right next to you is so much more. She is choosing you over her cat bed, spot of sunshine or heat vent - an honor indeed. You should also take it as an “I love you” when they greet you at the door or are constantly underfoot while you’re trying to accomplish something. They just like hanging around their favorite person!

I hope this list provided some blessed reassurance that the feline in your life is happy to be there and happy to stay. While some of these habits may seem unusual, keep in mind that we humans express love in our own unique and crazy ways. I personally am glad to finally understand the grooming of me each night and the snuggling on my pillow. Their nightly behavior also keeps the dogs off the bed, which is likely the kitty’s plan all along.

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